Aircure offers a range of locally produced options aimed at helping companies manage air-quality problems.
Removing up to 80% of the total dust or ash prior to the final filter system, will result in overall total efficiency as well as huge savings on maintenance and consumables.
“The brief from our client Grinding Media SA was that they wanted to reduce emissions to achieve environmental compliance, achieve quality improvements, reduce direct costs and enhance its safety incident awareness accordance. This statement was given to us when the tenders were distributed and the request for quotes were circulated,” said air filtration solutions provider Aircure owner Darren Bibby.
“We have also developed a variety of cyclonic options including individual cyclones (Cyloduct) or large banks of grouped units (Cyclogrit or Cyclobank). All products have CFD studies and real-life application track records. By adding a pre-filter to your existing system has no real down side and only positive benefits. Typical applications would include power stations, coal fired boilers, heavy industry and foundries.”
“The company’s driving factors are to reduce their footprint on the environment by using less power and water and using them more efficiently and working smarter, reducing the dependence on and amount sent to the dump sites, reducing dust emissions, optimising every aspect of the operational process and upgrading the infrastructures and auxiliaries to better serve their purposes.”
“Our business is about designing and manufacturing equipment that will virtually ensure that those working in an industrial manufacturing environment will operate with clean air. Aircure offers a range of locally produced options aimed at helping companies manage air-quality problems.”
Air filtration system
“We have custom designed and developed an air filtration system, incorporating some of our proven existing systems, especially for Grinding Media SA. It starts with the hoods on the furnace bodies. These covers are designed to effectively collect smoke, dust and airborne pollutants during all phases of furnace operation. This is followed by placing the Aircure patented Cycloducts before the bag filters so as to separate the larger particles before they reach the filter bags. This represents a huge saving in bag replacement with extended life.”
Electrostatic precipitators and baghouses have for many years been used to good effect to remove particulate matter from process emissions. It is Aircure’s belief that both types of systems would be greatly enhanced by the introduction of a cyclonic pre-filter unit. Note the clean air and no visible sight of emissions emanating from this baghouse installed by Aircure at the recently completed Grinding Media SA project
Pre-filtration is the key to more efficient filter systems
“Aircure has provided South African mines and industry with clean air solutions since 1993. Innovation and product development have been the hallmark of our journey. Our products include modular filter systems, fume extraction, baghouses and personal protective devices. The past decade has seen our focus narrow towards the concept of pre-filtration, and has resulted in some truly remarkable advances. Pre-filtration means simply, to find ways of removing bulk dust/ash from an airstream before it reaches the final filter stage. The main aim is to extend the life of filters, reduce the cost of maintenance or to increase the overall efficiency of the total system. While the cost savings are tangible and real, what truly excites us is the idea of increasing total efficiency.”
“Statutory requirements on stack emissions are forcing companies to assess the state of their current air pollution control equipment. Much tweaking and upgrading of existing equipment has been proposed or tried, but in many instances cannot and will not, meet the new challenges.”
“We have custom designed and developed an air filtration system, incorporating some of our proven existing systems, especially for Grinding Media SA.”
“Electrostatic precipitators and baghouses have for many years been used to good effect to remove particulate matter from process emissions. It is our belief that both types of systems would be greatly enhanced by the introduction of a cyclonic pre-filter unit. Our patented products have taken the concept of cyclonic separation to the next level. Removing up to 80% of the total dust or ash prior to the final filter system will result in overall total efficiency as well as huge savings on maintenance and consumables. Retro-fitting a cyclone separator to most existing systems is possible and will prove to be a fraction of the cost of total replacement.”
The construction phase of the air filtration system at Grinding Media SA manufactured and installed by Aircure
“We have also developed a variety of cyclonic options including individual cyclones (Cyloduct) or large banks of grouped units (Cyclogrit or Cyclobank). All products have CFD studies and real-life application track records. By adding a pre-filter to your existing system has no real down side and only positive benefits. Typical applications would include power stations, coal fired boilers, heavy industry and foundries.”
“Although we emphasise the importance of pre-filtration, which is the key to more efficient filter systems, our baghouse filter system is offered in a way to suit a client’s budget. The system is modular and is constructed through a ‘building block’ multi-storey configuration. Its size can, thus, be scaled according to requirements and transported easily using a regular truck. The system is highly cost effective, easy to install and maintain and designed specifically for its application.”
Modular baghouse filter system
“Although we emphasise the importance of pre-filtration, which is the key to more efficient filter systems, our baghouse filter system is offered in a way to suit a client’s budget. The system is modular and is constructed through a ‘building block’ multi-storey configuration. Its size can, thus, be scaled according to requirements and transported easily using a regular truck.”
“The system is highly cost effective, easy to install and maintain and designed specifically for its application.”
For further details contact Aircure on TEL: 011 472 7420 or visit