Exploding procurement costs of electricity and gas require new solutions for foundries.
Pouring molten steel into the moulds is a key point in the casting process and the source of a significant proportion of casting defects. Technologies to control and protect the melt stream are therefore critical for achieving a clean cast.
Improving as-cast quality offers a range of benefits to steel foundries from improved yield and lower production costs per piece, to reduced lead times and lower carbon emissions. Cleaner casting is not however something achieved by a single solution or process improvement. Casting defects have a range of causes and can occur at a number of points along the casting process. Minimising defects therefore requires the adoption of a range of solutions from melt to mould.
Casting defects weigh heavily on the efficiency, profitability and environmental sustainability of steel casting operations resulting in lower yields, higher production costs per piece, extended lead times, bottlenecks in the cleaning room, higher energy consumption and an increased carbon footprint associated with foundry operations.
The causes of casting defects are numerous and can be found at most points in the casting process – from the furnace to the mould.
In a series of blogs Foseco will outline what can be done at various stages of the steel casting process to ensure high-quality, clean casting.
To view the first blog visit
The clean steel challenge
Steel casters work daily to eliminate a wide range of common casting defects. In this series of blogs, Foseco are considering some of the solutions available to foundries that allow them to do so. Here, Foseco consider the importance flow control.
What is flow control and why is it important?
Flow control covers the group of technologies available to mitigate turbulence in the melt stream as it is being poured into the mould. This includes stoppers and nozzles, as well as systems such as Vapex Fosflow.
Flow control can also be combined with filtration of the melt. For example, in the Kalipur feeding sleeve. Foseco deal specifically with filters in another blog in this series.
Flow control is important because a highly-turbulent melt raises the risk of reoxidation, undoing previous work to degas the melt and causing inclusions. Turbulent pours also can result in the erosion of the nozzles into the melt, another cause of inclusion defects.
Learn more about the impact of common casting defects in the first blog in this series. Visit https://www.vesuvius.com/en/our-solutions/international/foundry/newsletter/foseco/clean-steel1.html
Free white paper
For more on the different types of common steel casting defects, check out Foseco’s white paper. To download visit https://foseco.hubspotpagebuilder.com/clean-steel-white-paper
For more information contact Foseco South Africa on TEL: 011 903 9500 or visit https://www.vesuvius.com/en/our-solutions/en-za/foundry.html