

Cape Town – Head Office
+27 21 300 3555 | +27 82 520 5198

109a The Foundry Building
74 Prestwich Street
Green Point, 8005

+27 11 568 2337

3rd Floor, 2 Merchant Place
Cnr Fredman Dr & Rivonia Rd
Sandton, 2196

San Francisco
+1 224 245 5943

+49 6157 914 92 72

Company profile
DataProphet is an AI and Machine Learning specialist company with extensive experience in providing consulting services to the heavy manufacturing industry and understands the complex issues and factors contributing to the cost of non-quality.

At each process step hundreds of controllable variables affect the quality of the output, as well as downstream processes. With every controllable variable, the number of configurations grow exponentially, diminishing the ability for even the most skilled experts to keep track and steer a plant to optimal configuration. At best, individual parameters are within their defined control limits, but variability in quality remains unexplained and therefore not rectified resulting in significant loss of profit.

There can be thousands of processes in a manufacturing plant generating ever increasing quantities of data and based on this experience DataProphet believes that innovation is critical to advance manufacturing for heavy industry. OMNI, an AI solution developed by DataProphet is able to process vast quantities of data and guide operators to optimal parameter settings. OMNI prescribes the best actions to take, using all the data, across all the variables and processes across a production line to bring a plant into a stable and optimised state. Through a continuous feedback loop OMNI is always learning and prescribing actions to operators, therefore transferring institutional knowledge that is embedded in the data to operators, not replacing operators, but rather enabling them.

The cost of non-quality in large manufacturing plants can be millions of USD per annum and with OMNI our clients have reduced this loss significantly, from 5% down to 0% in the case of external defects in Africa’s largest foundry, improved spot and stud welding accuracy by more than 50% in an automotive assembly line, an average reduction in the cost of non-quality of more than 50%. The deployment of OMNI is a light touch implementation prescribing actions at a pace that can be handled by the plant and does not require a large capital investment as it sits on top of all the data sources, and can be deployed in the cloud or on premises. DataProphet has made a substantial long-term impact for clients in positively changing the unpredictable to the predictable.

A full collection of case studies about the work DataProphet has accomplished in all avenues of pursuit can be found here:

DataProphet Case Studies