Family run foundry, based in Wadeville, Gauteng looks to increase output by 100 tons per month.
The acquisition and growth of a new customer in the US has hastened Knights Foundry’s decision to reorganise its foundry, invest in a new moulding line and upgrade its furnace department.
“We have been through various upgrades, investments in new equipment and expansions over the years,” noted Cobus van der Walt, one of several family members that work for the company.
“The most recent major development was in 2016 when we added 2 200m² of floor space. We invested in a new furnace, a 2 x 2 metre six ton-an-hour shakeout as well as a six ton-an-hour reclamation plant and cooler classifier. We also added a new no-bake moulding system that is fed with a 10 ton-an-hour continuous mixer and a 1 x 1 metre gassing station that was fitted with a pre-heater.”
The new Endeco Omega Sinto 8-station size 3 carousel moulding line with a 3-station pattern changeover. The line includes a 70 ton hopper which includes a venting unit and a 4-way pneumatic sand blending gate above an Endeco Omega Sinto 20 ton-an-hour continuous mixer, as well as the touch screen fully programmable auto-blend system. Once filled and compacted the cope and drag pattern bolsters are then moved through the automated rollover before being automatically transferred to the hydraulic in-line tilt flood coating station. The conveyor belt then moves the patterns to the flame off section before the mould manipulators are used for coring and closing
“We also enhanced our fettling department with a new hangar type shot blasting machine and increased our heat treatment capabilities with a new 2.4 x 2.4 metre, two pallet top-hat heat treatment unit.”
“To move moulding boxes and castings around we also installed over one kilometre of roller track.”
“You could say we created a second foundry within our existing foundry.”
Fast forward to 2018
“Various improvements in systems did take place in following years which led to us attaining our ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 accreditation.”
“But the biggest change in the company began to take place in 2018. We acquired a client in the US who supplies pumps and pump spares mainly for the mining industry. Product is cast in chrome iron and duplex stainless steel.”
“This was our first venture into exporting and it has been a very rewarding experience, although challenging sometimes. The ‘downside’ is that we have lost my brother Vincent to the US.”
“Our relationship with the US client grew rapidly and after initially only servicing 25 of his patterns we are now casting 150 different castings for him, ranging from 5kgs up to 2.8 tons.”
The Endeco Omega Sinto 8-station size 3 carousel moulding line can easily produce 30 moulds per hour
“Volumes increased retrospectively, as did our logistical department. Vincent decided he needed to take control of land arrangements in the US and subsequently emmigrated there in 2019. Additionally, it has now given us the opportunity to have someone on the ground in the US and seek new opportunities and new clients in that country.”
“But it is not just the US that we export to. We have now exported over 150 tons to Russia and we have just started to send castings to Australia. All the more reason for us to look at increasing our capacity.”
Investment in a new Endeco Omega Sinto moulding line
“All these developments and increases in orders has forced us to rethink our capabilities and processes. When you enter the export market there are no excuses accepted. You either produce, with the quality expected, or you lose the client.”
The Endeco Omega Sinto automated rollover
“When you’re preparing to invest in or to add an automated no-bake moulding system to your existing setup, there are a number of critical decisions to be made that require careful analysis. As with many design projects, the end of the process is often the best starting point. It’s a basic concept to design backwards, at all times keeping in mind the moulding process results you expect.”
“There are dozens of criteria that go into a well-designed system, but a few of the main considerations are: Mould rate per shift; Mould size minimum and maximum; Budget available; Floor space available; Staffing requirements/cost; Complexity of coring; Resin system; Reclamation system requirements; Engineering requirements; Installation requirements and time available for installation / commissioning.”
“The result is that we have invested in an Endeco Omega Sinto 8-station size 3 carousel moulding line with an automatic roll over draw.”
Incorporated into the new Endeco Omega Sinto 8-station size 3 carousel moulding line is a mould changeover system
“The investment includes a new 70 ton hopper that houses a combination of reclaimed and new sand and is located at the beginning of the new moulding line and easily delivers sand to the new Endeco Omega Sinto 20 ton-an-hour continuous mixer. The sand hopper includes a venting unit and a 4-way pneumatic sand blending gate above the mixer, as well as the touch screen fully programmable auto-blend system.”
“The key to the success of the carousel is not just its simplicity and compact space saving design but also its increased productivity. With one or two operators the carousel can easily produce 30 moulds per hour with cope and drag on the same pattern bolster.”
“Maximum size mould boxes are 1 200mm by 1 000mm.”
The Endeco Omega Sinto 20 ton-an-hour continuous mixer
“With automation and plant efficiency as a motivation and a priority, the moulding line has incorporated a number of other systems and equipment to facilitate the whole process and operational aspects, right from the supply and delivery of the sand and chemicals to the moulding line, up to the final delivery of the moulds to the melting/pouring department. This department has also been upgraded with our 600kW induction furnace refurbished and upgraded to a like new 1 100kW 3.8 ton induction furnace.”
“We have also included a mould compaction table for mechanical ramming of chemical bonded sand mould through vibration technology.”
“Once filled and compacted the cope and drag are then moved through the automated rollover before being automatically transferred to the hydraulic in-line tilt flood coating station. The conveyor belt then moves the moulds to the flame off section before the mould manipulators are used for coring and closing. Thereafter they move to the melting section.”
The metallurgical laboratory has been completely overhauled and upgraded
“All of these operations are fully automated with PLC controls where possible and designed to have minimal human interference, and where achievable incorporate equipment to have minimal human stress.”
Heavy and light sections with five different bays
“As mentioned we wanted flexibility, repeatability and quality. We are now able to achieve these goals with the new Endeco Omega Sinto equipment, which have all been manufactured in South Africa.”
“Before entering into the new investment phase of the company we also had to figure out a the best way of processing all the various size castings that we manufacture. Our process going forward will be divided into heavy and light casting sections incorporating five different bays.”
The patternshop now has a new CNC router in it
“Each bay now has a maximum size casting that can be produced and each one also has its own furnace servicing it.”
“The pattern changeover system will allow us to be as flexible as possible but also as productive as possible, thanks to the increased capacity and automation.”
“Other investments include the addition of two new top-hat heat treatment furnaces, a complete overhaul and upgrade of our laboratory and the purchase of a CNC router for the patternshop.”
“Although relatively new we also have our own machine shop that houses 10 machines with a couple of them being CNC machines. Our partner in this venture is Gerhard Vos and although in its infancy it will be a fully-fledged machine shop in about 12 months. It is only servicing the foundry’s needs.”
Hexagon Romer Absolute 3D measurement arm
“When it comes to quality one of the necessary investments has been in a Hexagon Romer Absolute arm. Although we only got the advanced portable 3D measurement tool for inspection, analysis and digitising a few weeks ago it has been working overtime.”
Machine shop
“Although relatively new we also have our own machine shop that houses 10 machines with a couple of them being CNC machines. Our partner in this venture is Gerhard Vos and although in its infancy it will be a fully-fledged machine shop in about 12 months. It is only servicing the foundry’s needs.”
“Although we have taken great strides forward with this latest investment there is still more for us to do so that we increase our efficiencies.,” concluded van der Walt.
For further details contact Knights Foundry on TEL: 011 827 2517 or email: