International conferences, symposiums and special shows enrich this trade fair quartet.
With 2 000 exhibitors and around 78 000 metalworking professionals expected to attend from around the world, Düsseldorf, Germany will once again become a hotspot for international foundry and metalwork technology from 25 to 29 June 2019. Under the slogan “The Bright World of Metals”, the trade fair quartet, comprising GIFA, NEWCAST, METEC and THERMPROCESS, covers the entire spectrum both in-depth and with a wide scope, ranging from foundry technology, casting products, metallurgy and thermal processing technology.
But what would this international quadruple trade fair be without its extensive supporting programme for experts? The international conferences, symposiums and industry meetings are unique platforms for expertise, bringing theory and practice together and offering an amazing opportunity to network and exchange with other tradespeople.
METEC and its accompanying conferences, the EMC (European Metallurgical Conference) and the ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days), form an unbeatable trio. ESTAD, held from 24 to 28 June 2019, focuses on the raw material steel, along with its manufacturing, applications and steel within the context of environmental engineering and energy. For steel manufacturers, suppliers and operators, this five-day conference is an absolute must. Ultimately, this English-speaking conference is split into topic areas such as iron production, steel production, rolling and forging, steel materials and their applications, additive manufacturing techniques, surface technology and environmental protection and energy.
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THERMPROCESS symposium and special show
Theory and practice are also united at the two THERMPROCESS events organised by FOGI, the Research Association for Industrial Furnace Engineering in the VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) and the THERMPROCESS symposium from VDMA Metallurgy. The symposium illuminates topics that are current within thermal processing technology via a multitude of presentations from experts. Topics that form the main focus include new combustion technology, resource conservation and energy efficiency, with particular attention to CO2 and NOx emission reduction, challenges posed by variation in gas quality, specifically when alternative fuels are fed in, current and future requirements for thermally treated automotive materials, heat treatment concepts in thermal processing technology and Industry 4.0 and implementing it in thermal processing technology.
In addition to these presentations, renowned research institutes from the thermal processing technology sector will present their subject areas and current research work in the FOGI special show in Hall 10.
The VDG (German Foundrymen’s Association) and the BDG (Confederation of German Foundry Industry) will again organise The Foundry Meeting in Hall 13 (Stand D 04) where member companies will present foundry working materials and cast components. Alongside this, presentations will be given over the five days of the trade fair at the BDG forum.
Wednesday is dedicated to the foundries, which offer information on the latest innovations in the foundry industry and outline practical solutions for daily foundry work and routines at the NEWCAST FORUM in Hall 13. On 26 June, the day will be topped off with the presentation of the NEWCAST Award for innovative cast parts.
The two-day GIFA Forum bookends this event, (it takes place on 25 and 27 June), where foundry suppliers will present their latest trends and techniques.
Two special shows, organised by the House of the Foundry Industry (Düsseldorf), provide clarification on two of the latest industry topics. One of these is the subject of digitalisation and its impact on the foundry industry, and the other is innovative solutions for preventing CO2 emissions. Here, the as yet untapped potential in waste heat utilisation, in particular, offers foundries significant opportunities to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions.
At the first established European CAEF Forum, visitors can see presentations on successful flagship projects and country-specific challenges in the countries that are members of the CEAF on Friday 28 June.
The foundry industry: Caught between tradition and modernity
The VDG celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2019. In line with this, the BDG Forum on Saturday 29 June is completely devoted to the foundry industry’s development over the last 150 years. A look into the future will provide a contrast.
Premiere: Conference and special show on additive manufacturing
The special show in Hall 13 and the trade conference on additive manufacturing premier at the GIFA. Whether you work in pattern or die making, in core making or in direct metal printing, foundries and their suppliers can open up tons of unforeseen potential using additive manufacturing. Both of the events acknowledge this proven fact.
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