The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) invites South African exporters in the foundry machinery and plant construction, casting machinery and equipment, and melting processes as well as moulding and core making to participate on the National Pavilion at GIFA/NEWCAST, from 16 – 20 June 2015, in Düsseldorf, Germany.
GIFA/NEWCAST 2015 will showcase a full range of foundry plant and equipment, including melting furnaces, sand mixing and moulding lines, core making machines, fettling machines as well as metal castings and other foundry services.
Companies in the following product group are encouraged to apply:
• Foundry plants and installations
• Melting plants and installations
• Refractories technology
• Plants and machinery for moulding and core making
• Moulding sands and moulding auxiliaries
• Moulding sand preparation and sand reclamation
• Gating and feeding technology
• Casting machines and pouring equipment
• Knock-out, fettling, finishing
• Pattern and die making
• Control systems and automation
• Environmental protection and waste management
• Information technologies
• Cast metal products used in various applications in the mining, automotive, rolling stock, aerospace, medical and other specialised markets
• Consulting, skills development, training and education along with other specialised services.
the dti will offer the following financial support to qualifying firms:
• Exhibition space and booth rental costs
• Freight-forwarding of display materials
• Air travel assistance up to R17,000.00 (SMME’s & BOE’s only)
• Daily subsistence allowance of R2,300.00 per day (SMME’s & BOE’s only).
The deadline for submission of complete applications is 16 February 2015.
For more information visit National Pavilion application forms and guidelines can be downloaded via the dti website: