Lauds passes equipment acceptance audit with Vulkan Technologies

Export order boosts local company’s presence in Indian foundry industry.

During the month of August 2016, South African foundry equipment manufacturer Lauds Foundry Equipment hosted three management representatives from Vulkan Technologies, India. They were in South Africa to take acceptance of a major capital equipment investment for the non-ferrous section of their foundry that is based in Pune, a city in Maharashtra state in the western region of India which is India’s third-largest state by area and is also the world’s second-most populous sub-national entity.

“Despite the high level of competition from several international suppliers, after careful analysis and a lengthy decision making process, Lauds was awarded the contract,” explained Kevin van Niekerk, MD of Lauds Foundry Equipment.

“Our visitors came with the purpose of doing a detailed inspection to verify that what we had quoted was going to be supplied. The audit lasted for around four days where our equipment was scrutinised from a design, quality and durability point of view, in the utmost detail, going as far as measuring plate thickness with verniers.”


Santosh Bhagwat of Foseco India, Laxman Wagmare and Kundan Shivade, both of Vulkan Technologies, Kevin van Niekerk of Lauds Foundry Equipment and Krishnadeo Gole of Vulkan Technologies

“Performance tests were done and measured, and I am happy to say that the Lauds equipment exceeded in throughput quality design and simplicity of manufacturing.”

“During their stay, the Vulkan team witnessed numerous other successful local installations done by Lauds, and had the pleasure of discussing our equipment with the production and maintenance staff as well as some of the owners of our clients’ foundries. They discussed their areas of concern regarding responsiveness to machine breakdown or repairs, spares availability and technical backup. We were proud to say that we had extremely good feedback in all areas.”

“This is a major milestone for Lauds Group of Companies as it is not only our first contract into India but Vulkan Technologies is a multinational company that have operations in India, Germany, Australia and South Africa and supply high tech quality products into the marine and mining sector.”

“With this investment, Vulkan Technologies will have a state-of-the-art no bake system, which includes primary reclamation, our patented secondary reclamation as well as a new 12tph screw articulate mixer that is equipped with the latest technology for throughput, control blending, auto calibration and temperature sensitive automatic blending.”

“This will be our flagship installation in India. Vulkan have expressed their excitement and they stand by us in providing actual product and equipment feedback into the industry, allowing us to share the success story that will come to other potential investors in India and the rest of Asia.”

“Many foundries in India look at Vulkan Technologies as a high level, cutting edge foundry and word of mouth is more powerful than any tool. They are available to any potential customers to discuss and review our equipment that we have manufactured and installed in their foundry.”

“Having Foseco India as our partners will ensure the growth of Lauds Group of Companies for many years to come, and the relationship of all involved with Lauds equipment is growing day by day. We are committed to our product and delivering superior quality equipment into the foundry industry going forward.”

For further details contact Lauds Foundry Equipment on TEL: 011 824 1238 or email or visit