Static materials test systems.
These universal test machines are also described as screw machines, static test systems and monotonic test systems and are the standard for determining basic material properties.
Systems with force capacities from 5 to 600kN meet QA/QC requirements and uptime demands of production environments, and provide reliable results for product development. They are durable and easy to use, with features and controls typically found on higher-end systems. Accessories are included to test as low as 5N on a range of specimens.
The MTS Exceed Series 40 electromechanical test system is used for a variety of applications. Compact, reliable and easy to operate, this system is engineered for low to medium-force monotonic testing. High-speed, low-vibration MTS electromechanical drives and integrated, digital closed-loop controls enable the system to test in load and position control at force capacities ranging from 5N to 100kN. The solution also includes easy-to-use MTS TestSuite TW software.
Applications include tension, compression, flex/bend, shear, peel and tear on metals, composites, polymers, construction materials, wood and paper products, biomedical products, fibres and textiles, adhesives and coatings, foam and more.
MTS is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of mechanical testing and simulation solutions, providing the superior technology, expertise and global support that customers need to meet their business objectives. MTS Exceed Universal Test Systems reflect the knowledge and best practices gained from decades of testing industry leadership.
This broad portfolio of load frames, software and accessories delivers exceptional control, reliability and ease-of-use to address a full range of monotonic test applications.
MTS Exceed test systems are compliant with international standards and designed to meet the requirements of all common testing standards such as ISO, JIS, ASTM, DIN and others. They provide an ideal balance between functionality and cost, and are able to satisfy common testing needs across a broad range of industries while offering an excellent return on investment.
MTS Systems Corporation’s testing and simulation hardware, software and service solutions help customers accelerate and improve their design, development and manufacturing processes and are used for determining the mechanical behaviour of materials, products and structures. MTS’ high-performance sensors provide measurements of vibration, pressure, position, force and sound in a variety of applications.
For more information contact SPS – Scientific & Precision Solutions (formerly IMP Scientific & Precision) on TEL: 011 916 5000 or email or visit website