RKC announces the new SA100L limit control with optional din rail mounting

RKC Instruments has introduced the new SA100L 16th DIN limit controller with an optional DIN rail mounting socket. The SA100L provides circuit protection in those processes with safety concerns or where product may be affected in am “over or under temperature” condition.

The SA100L is now available with an IP66 dustproof/waterproof front panel rating. The unit has a selectable high or low limit, peak ambient reading and an over-temperature hour meter. The SA100Lwill monitor the peak value and the amount of time the control remains over temperature and can be easily viewed by the operator from the front panel or via digital communication by a PLC or computer system. This information can be used to save product that might have been subjected to equipment overheat conditions.

The optional 11 pin octal socket allows for quick installation and easy mounting on a DIN rail or on to a pre-wired mating connector. The SA100L can also be panel mounted for viewing at the control panel. Maintenance is simple as the unit can be easily separated from the socket. Optional features include two independent alarms, analog retransmission output and digital RS-485 communications.

The versatility of the SA100L makes it suitable to both the end-user and OEM markets for applications that include plastic extrusions, blow moulding, ovens, furnaces, kilns, food baking, petro-chemical, test stands and heater processes.

For more information contact Temperature Controls on TEL: 011 791 6000 or email sales@tempcon.co.za