The South African Institute of Foundrymens’ 51st Annual Awards Dinner was held at the Emperors Palace, Convention Centre, Kempton Park, Gauteng on Friday 30 May 2014.
310 foundrymen, guests, wives and award winners attended this year’s event. Conrad Koch and his puppet Chester provided the entertainment for the evening.
The dinner was well supported by sponsors in the form of prizes for the award winners, wine on the tables and ticket sponsors for VIP guests invited by the Institute.
The SAIF would like to thank the following sponsors for their valuable contributions to help make the evening a success: Saveway Furnace Monitoring, Foseco South Africa, Insimbi Refractory and Alloy Supply, Sasol Synfuels Procurement and Marketing, Morgan Thermal Ceramics, LIL Sales, Lauds Foundry Equipment, SI Group HA, IMP Scientific, Thos Begbie and Kimberley Engineering Works.
Awards handed out on the evening were as follows:
Past President’s Award – Enno Krueger
Non-Member Diploma – Dr Mark Ainsworth for the best technical paper presented to the Institute during 2013 by a non-member: “The Fundamentals of Lost Foam Process”
Colin Butler Award – Mike Wolhuter for the best technical presentation presented by a SAIF member during 2013
AH Guy Award – Adrie El Mohamadi
Honorary Member Award – John Bryson
Insimbi Refractory and Alloy Supplies / Sasol Synfuels Procurement & Marketing Award – Miteo Muzeu of Tshwane University of Technology for the highest marks achieved by a 1st year metallurgy student for 2013
Foseco Award – Nkutwane Mokoana of University of Johannesburg for the highest marks achieved by a final year metallurgy student for 2013
Special Award – Helen Dlamini for completion of the required modules in the Diploma Course Programme
Front row Ronel and Dennis Baker of Chemsystems, Delmari McQueen of Guestro, Anna and Paul Oliaro of Chemsystems and back row Eric Mathiesson and Jacques Swanepoel, both of Chemsystems
Emile Timmins, Ronnie de Fin and Freek Viljoen, all of Scaw Metals
Angus Singleton and Graham Smith of Pressure Die Castings, David Makhafola of Pfisterer South Africa, Ash Roopchand of Pressure Die Castings, Thergen Naidoo of Pfisterer South Africa, Mike Stephenson and HRH Lance Deysel, both of Pressure Die Castings
Guarin Miles of Sulzer, Wilma Buys of KEW Foundries, Wendy and Rob Lolli of R.I.L. Hydraulics, Danie Steyn and Harry Hills, both of Sulzer
Arrie Schriek of Volclay, Rui Dias of Endeco, Pat Riley of Scaw Metals and Mike Holton
Stephen O’Reilly and Andy Struppmann with Kevin and Nicolle van Niekerk, all of Lauds Foundry Equipment
Damon Symondson of Scaw Metals, Nino Ciani of SI Group HA and Victor Dias of Endeco
Terence van Niekerk of Saveway, Madelaine De Bruyn, Karien du Plooy of Saveway and Mart and Johan Potgieter of Tips Consultants
Eddie Short and Marius and Mrs van Tonder, all of Morgan Advanced Materials
Barry Keech of Keech Controllers with Phil Mehigan and Ian Gibson, both of Relyintracast
Desiree and Jan van Heerden of Fry’s Metals, Marie Samons of Insimbi Alloys, Frik Geyser of Copalcor with Len Hutton, Dudley De Beer and Cornetta Rautenbach, all of Insimbi Alloys
Byron and Rob van Niekerk of RC Systems with Neville Saunders of FP Speciality
Ray van Rooyen of Insimbi Alloys, Jim Christopher of Auto Industrial Isando and Greg Wurts of Insimbi Alloys
Current SAIF President Takalani Madzivhandila with Past President Enno Krueger
Current SAIF President Takalani Madzivhandila presenting Emile Timmins the Non-Member Diploma for the best technical paper presented to the SAIF during 2013, by a non-member. Emile accepted the award on behalf of Dr Mark Ainsworth of Scaw Metals
Eddie Short of Morgan Advanced Materials presented the Colin Butler Award to Mike Wolhuter of Pressure Die Casting for the best technical presentation by a SAIF Member presented during 2013
Adrie El Mohamadi of Shareek Consulting Services was awarded the AH Guy Award
Honorary Membership was awarded to John Bryson of Kimberley Engineering Works
Miteo Muzeu of Tshwane University of Technology received the Insimbi Refractory and Alloy Supplies / Sasol Synfuels Procurement and Marketing Award for the highest marks achieved by a 1st year Metallurgy Student for 2013. He is seen with Dudley de Beer of Insimbi Alloys
Mark Wynn hands over the Foseco Award, for the highest marks achieved by a final year metallurgy student for 2013, to Nkutwane Mokoana of University of Johannesburg
A special award was made to Helen Dlamini of Scaw Metals for the completion of the required modules in the Diploma Course Programme. She is seen with SAIF CEO John Davies and Takalani Madzivhandila
Jan van Heerden of Fry’s Metals with his daughter Janley Kotze of Ceramic and Alloy Specialists. Janley is also the current SAIF Vice President
Rob Hallaby of Aluminium Copper Processors, Graham Hardisty and Gary Coull, both of Zealous Automotive Castings, Alex Saam of Fochem and Jacques Smith of Henkel
Darren Brown of F&PS, Brian Clough and Wouter Retief, both of Ceramic and Alloy Specialists, John Taylor of Spectro Analytical, Peter Peyerl of Scaw Metals with Brian and Gary Kimble, both of Windsor Metals
Eric Benvenuti of MIS, Colleen Boyce of SI Group HA and Peter Forbes of Forbes Foundry
Roxanna Cabaco, CJ Lindeque of Lauds Foundry Equipment, Garth and Angie Sinclair of Metlink, Grant and Greg Estman, both of Viking Foundry, Colin Smit of MIS Engineering, Trevor and Jane Sinclair of Comproc
All the President’s men – past and present – Enno Krueger, Bruce Crawford, Takalani Madzivhandila, Marc Hindle and John Davies
Gordon McNeilage, Faan Roos, Colleen Boyce, Steve Pyke and Nino Ciani all of SI Group HA
Fubio Ciani and Derick Elliot both of Procor, Cobus van der Walt of Knights Sales and Stefan Strydom of Wanderers Engineering