SI Group South Africa launches new hybrid furan resin system

SI Group South Africa have partnered with their global partners HA (Hüttenes-Albertus) to improve environmental conditions and working conditions within the foundries to initiate a strong drive to reduce emissions. HA’s new furan resin systems have been developed and are being applied in foundries globally. Locally SI Group HA is currently in the process of launching the recently developed resins systems.

The new hybrid furane resin system has the following benefits:

• High performance system providing higher strengths at identical resin and catalyst percentage addition levels
• Reduced sulphur emissions – resin is more reactive, thus requiring lower sulphur content catalysts. Less fume on casting
• Reduced sulphur build up in reclaimed sand whilst enjoying the use of lower sulphur content catalysts. Possibility of sulphur defects / scrap castings minimised
• Nitrogen free resin. Suitable for steels, SG iron and all other metals
• Improved bench life / strip time ratio through cure of moulds and faster production processes
• Improved flow ability and wetting characteristics, which maximise resin / activator mixing efficiency. This characteristic greatly assists in reducing mixed sand costs
• Competitive mixed sand costs
• Hybrid formulation is less costly, offering savings to the foundry industry

Foundry trials conducted have confirmed all laboratory work, resulting in the official launch of the new resin system which is now available to the South African foundry market.


For further details contact SI Group SA on TEL: 011 389 8200 or visit or