Charlene Schwartz
Association Administrator
Cell: 082 856 7793
Company Profile:
The South African Engineers and Founders Association (SAEFA) is an independent metal industry employers’ association run by employers for the benefit of all members. We represent the interest of hundreds of member companies in the metal and engineering industries, ranging from small employers to larger organisations. We passionately promote the interests of our member companies by active collaboration, maximising the benefits of strategic alliances and meaningful change to the regulatory framework of the South African metals and engineering industry. SAEFA offers advice, assistance, consulting and training on labour legislation, dispute resolution, employment conditions and all other industrial relations topics. We can assist companies with matters impacting on the relationship between your company, your employees and the trade unions. We can also assist with health and safety, broad-based black economic empowerment and skills development.
SAEFA represents the interests of our member companies in all industry negotiations with the industry’s trade unions, not only on wages and other conditions of employments but also on the industry’s benefit funds which provide benefits to employees such as pensions, permanent disability and sick pay benefits. Our goal is to ensure inclusive deals are reached during negotiations and representing the interest of all parties. SAEFA understands the importance of representative associations to be present in negotiations and engage to ensure the critical employer demands are taken into account, such as the dire need for job creation in a sector of job decline.
Being a member of SAEFA allows you to have a direct say in what happens in your industry.