Spectrum Technical appointed agents for Didion International

Spectrum Technical, based in Richards Bay, KwaZulu Natal, has recently been appointed to market the Didion International range of products in Southern Africa. Spectrum Technical has been serving the South African metallurgical industries since 1994, supplying a range of services and products, focusing on the processing of molten metal, in particular the casting of aluminium and zinc.


Didion offers rotary machinery patented internationally, and the company has grown to include over 1000 machines in 55 countries worldwide. The common sense design, reliability, flexibility, and low maintenance requirements of every Didion machine has turned the company into one of the world leaders in rotary processing machinery – saving customers throughout the world hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

The Mark 5 Series rotary media drum is the ultimate for sand casting separation, sand blending / conditioning, dual sand screening and casting cleaning and cooling, all in one machine. It can handle green sand, no-bake and shell moulding. It will clean aluminium, brass, bronze, ductile, grey, malleable, and steel castings. The payback/return on investment is months versus years, according to Didion.


The Didion rotary dross separator / metal reclaimer is a patented design to reclaim valuable metals from slag or dross oxides through a system that crushes, cleans, separates, and screens in one efficient machine. Customer testimonials report fast paybacks from the substantial savings found within their drosses. With zero waste discharge initiatives throughout the industry, metal producers worldwide are turning this waste stream into a revenue stream by remelting their valuable alloys.

Additional rotary solutions offered by Didion include:

• Rotary sand / casting separators
• Rotary lump crusher / sand reclaimers
• Rotary carbon separators / thimble cleaners
• Rotary preheaters / sprue cleaners
• Rotary blending / cooling drums
• Rotary sand screens
• Rotary dryers
• Rotary protective coating drums

“Since our appointment, we have already sold two machines to a primary smelter, a rotary dross separator / metal reclaimer, and a rotary thimble cleaner. We have some good prospects for future sales,” said Kumaran Poonan, a Director at Spectrum Technical.

For further details contact Spectrum Technical on TEL: 035 789 6563 or visit www.spectrumtechnical.co.za