GOM Inspect – Stand-alone solution for the entire workflow

Recognised industry standard in metrology.

Engaging with customers on equal terms and developing software to solve their day-to-day challenges is the mission that has been driving GOM developers since day one. With its annual update cycles and an active user community, GOM Inspect has become a valued stand-alone software that handles the entire workflow from the first scan through to the final result report. The software offers a broad range of analysis functions that have been customised for various industries and are extended and enhanced on an ongoing basis. Customers can capture and analyse data in GOM Inspect, irrespective of the data source – a feature that is particularly interesting for ZEISS T-SCAN sensor users.

Extended volume inspection of CT data
Non-destructive measuring of parts and checking their inner surface for defects and material changes – these are the outstanding properties of industrial computed tomography. One of the new features in GOM Volume Inspect is an innovative volume renderer that excels at its ease of use and intuitive generation of sectional views. This allows for the visualisation of the whole part and its internal structure as well as for the creation of sectional views for analysis. The volume inspection also comes with a porosity analysis based on Directive P203 (12/2019) of the Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG).

Airfoil inspection with GOM Blade Inspect
The new software solution GOM Blade Inspect offers industry-specific 2D and 3D evaluations for airfoil quality assurance processes that meet high and diverse industrial inspection requirements. It also features an enhanced blisk evaluation and basically offers boundless options. With GOM Blade Inspect, users can unite their proprietary scripts and evaluation standards into one platform concept and integrate it directly into the inspection process.

Simple handling of automated quality assurance
By introducing the new GOM software, GOM has further simplified the automated measurement process. Thanks to the new Smart Scanning function in the virtual measuring room (VMR), users can teach, execute and enhance measurements with just a single click. This function is based on the nominal data and dovetails all necessary steps into a single process. For instance, operating the ATOS ScanBox will be even easier and more productive.

For further details contact RGC Engineering on TEL: 011 887 0800 or alternatively visit www.rgcengineering.co.za