MCI Foundry concentrates on stainless steel castings

Although conceptualised in 2015 it is only now in 2019 that MCI Foundry has begun to melt metal and produce castings.

“We registered the company four years ago with the idea of establishing a foundry that would be dedicated to manufacturing stainless steel castings only. We did not have a deadline to begin operating and we only began working on the implementation of the logistical requirements required to run a foundry in 2018,” said Gladys Tshivhase, a Director of MCI Foundry.

MCI Foundry is a company within the Malondi Capital Investments Group, which also has Duvha Foundry within the group.

“We had recognised the potential for a dedicated stainless steel foundry but also realised we could not get it up and running overnight. We were also not aiming to be the most high-tech and modern foundry in South Africa. We just wanted to be able to supply stainless steel castings to satisfy the growing demand from all types of industries in South Africa.”

MCI Foundry is dedicated to manufacturing stainless steel castings only. Stainless castings have a tremendously wide scope of application resulting from the ability to produce components of both complex shape and of compositions which afford excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature properties

“The range of chemical compositions utilised for stainless steel castings are different from, and more varied, than those for wrought products. The composition is not limited by the necessity that the metal must be capable of being reduced in section (or shaped) by hot and/or cold working processes, for example rolling, forging. Thus, castings can have properties that often render them more suitable for, and resistant to, the conditions associated with some applications.”

“However, the properties are largely dependent on the cast microstructure that results from simple solidification. They are not developed or modified, as in wrought products, by the refinement which occurs during the hot or cold work processes after solidification, but may be developed and modified to a certain extent by heat treatment.”

The manufacture of stainless steel castings
“The production of stainless steel castings encompasses a large variety of different compositions and shapes with individual castings weighing from less than 1kg up to several tons. However, the greater majority of stainless steel castings produced weigh between 2kg and 100kg.”

“It is therefore impractical to melt large quantities of metal, and most of the furnaces used are of relatively small capacity, usually less than a one ton furnace.”

“Stainless castings have a tremendously wide scope of application resulting from the ability to produce components of both complex shape and of compositions which afford excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature properties. However, cognisance must be taken of the fact that both mechanical properties and corrosion resistance may differ to those of the “equivalent” wrought grades.”

The melting platform at MCI Foundry

“Stainless castings offer an attractive, viable solution in many applications. The advantages include the ability to produce in relatively small batches (both quantity and total mass), complex shapes of near net shape on a reproducible basis, a wide variety of compositions to fulfil a wide range of required properties by utilising different compositions and heat treatments applied thereto. For the selection and design of stainless castings to perform to optimum levels it is vital that full and detailed information regarding the intended application be given to the foundry.”

“Iron residue and contamination on stainless steel surfaces (either cast or wrought) has been a recurring problem for many years, probably since stainless steels were first developed. Stainless steels are highly corrosion resistant, however, stainless steel applications can still remain at risk to surface damage. Oxidation, corrosion, rusting, or staining can occur over the long-term in harsh environments without routine cleaning and maintenance. Repeat mechanical damage also contributes to a faster degradation of the metal. Stainless steel supplied by reputable manufacturers, stockholders or fabricators will normally be clean and contamination free. These items should not show rust staining, unless contamination is introduced.”

The MCI Foundry is run by Jeffrey Cattaert (Foundry supervisor), Mutshinyalo Gladys Tshivhase (Director) and Sophy Morwasehla (Administrator)

“It is therefore very important for a ferrous foundry casting a mix of metals to separate the casting of stainless steel from the other metals.”

“This was one of the motivating factors for us starting MCI Foundry. Our sister company can take care of servicing the other ferrous metal requirements and we are concentrating on stainless steel.”

About MCI Foundry
“The foundry is situated in Nicholls Street, Chamdor, Gauteng and we have a 2 600m² under roof facility that we are operating from. We have a 500kg and a 150kg medium frequency induction furnace at our disposal as well as a spectrometer, sand mixers, heat treatment and quenching capability, a fully equipped pattern shop, shot blasting machines and associated equipment.”

“Additionally, MCI Foundry offers machining services with access to CNC milling, turning and drilling.”

“We are in the early stages of development of our client base but already we have cast product such as valves, impellers, shaft sleeves and plugs. Our capacity is in the region of 110 tons a month and we can cast up to 460kg per casting.”

“Staff numbers are at nine and this will grow as the company grows.”

For further details contact MCI Foundry on TEL: 011 762 1239.