SAIF news

51st Annual Awards Dinner Friday 30th May 2014
The South African Institute of Foundrymen invites you and your customers to the 2014 Annual Awards Dinner to be held at the Emperors Palace (Caesars Convention Centre), Kempton Park, Gauteng on Friday 30th May 2014.

This is the 51st occasion that the Annual Awards Dinner will take place. Various awards are handed out to industry personnel and students during the evening.

The Annual Awards Dinner is a formal occasion. Please advise your party of the dress requirement i.e. Black Tie. The ladies’ dress is also formal.

For further details contact Marina at the SAIF on TEL: 011 559 6455 or e-mail

Notification of 50th AGM & call for nominations for council
In accordance with the constitution of the South African Institute of Foundrymen, notification is hereby given of the 50th Annual General Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 13th May 2014 at Reading Country Club in Alberton, Gauteng.

For further details contact Marina at the SAIF on TEL: 011 559 6455 or email

SAIF annual golf day – 13 November 2014
The popular golf day will take place this year at Reading Country Club on Thursday 13th November 2014. The format of the golf day is a four ball team competition

For further details contact Marina at the SAIF on TEL: 011 559 6455 or email

Training courses
The SAIF had 283 attendees at the various training courses presented in 2013. In addition there were 60 attendees at the In House on demand courses and 31 registered for the workshops and seminars given by the SAIF.

The following courses will be offered by the SAIF for 2014: Sand & moulding, cores & core making, quality control, supervisory management, practical resin bonded sand testing, casting defects, heat treatment, stainless steel casting and practical sand testing.

As the year progresses more courses will be announced.

SAIF Foundry Operators training course CD
The SAIF Foundry Operators Program to the industry on compact disc. Intensive research and development has made this information a valuable tool in training to the foundry industry.
The disc includes technical illustrations and lecture notes on the following 13 vital subjects that make up the course:

  • Foundry practice
  • Microstructures
  • Core sands
  • Moulding processes
  • Coatings
  • Moulding sands
  • Principles of moulding
  • Running, gating and feeding
  • Filtration
  • Casting defects
  • Fettling practice
  • Grinding
  • Reduced fettling

The cost for the disc is R 3 000.00 for foundries with less than 150 employees and R 5,000.00 for foundries with more than 150 employees. Prices exclude VAT.

Note: The distribution of this information is reserved to SAIF and the copyrights to the content of information remain the property of SAIF.

For further details contact Marina at the SAIF on TEL: 011 559 6455 or e-mail