Saint-Gobain Abrasives, one of the world’s leading abrasives manufacturers, is the only international supplier of abrasives that manufactures each of the three major types of abrasives. These are bonded abrasives (Resinoid and Vitrified), coated abrasives and diamond products.
The abrasive products that Saint-Gobain Abrasives offers include foundry cutting wheels for the removal of gates and runner/riser systems, which are suitable for portable machines in diameters 76 mm to 300 mm and for fixed machines in diameters 350 mm to 1600 mm. The extensive range of cutting wheels is therefore capable of processing castings from the most intricate of lost wax/ investment casting to sand castings weighing many tons.
The bonded grinding products are again available for use on portable and fixed machines in sizes from 50 mm to 914 mm. The bonded grinding wheel range includes products for use in heavy grinding applications capable of removing very high levels of material, as well as fine finishing applications.
The coated abrasive products cover the whole spectrum from products that give high rates of stock removal to products that can be used for fine finishing. Saint-Gobain Abrasives offers products with tough backing material and coarse grits for removing large amounts of material quickly for use in demanding power grinding and back stand applications, as well as products with flexible backings and finer grits for finish and polishing applications.
Steel and rolling mills in general have the same requirements as foundries with applications ranging from heavy applications that demand fast high volume metal removal rates, to finer finishing. Again, the company’s product range is capable of satisfying all your requirements, whether it be on bar, billet, sheet, wire, internal/external tube or pipe cutting and grinding.
The company has gained significant expertise in the foundry applications by conducting thorough analysis of the complete abrasive process to help maximize productivity. All of the company’s steel and foundry products are manufactured and tested to the highest quality and safety standards. They offer full technical support to ensure that products are used in the correct applications ensuring cost effectiveness and safety is achieved in application.
For further details contact Saint-Gobain Abrasives on TEL: 011 961 2000 or visit